
Mindfulness and Presence in Coaching Supervision with Karyn Prentice LIFE Recording & Notes FROM CoachMindfully.com

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Mindfulness and Presence in Coaching Supervision with Karyn Prentice LIFE Recording & Notes FROM CoachMindfully.com

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Mindfulness and Presence in Coaching Supervision

“Mindfulness and presence are essential qualities underpinning coaching supervision. It informs the relationship between Coach and Coach Supervisor not only as a state of focused on judging perception but as a deep and wide heard based awareness that allows both supervisor and supervisee to access their deeper intuition”

Ian Mackenzie ‘Full Spectrum Supervision’ chi 5 p.120

When we create the reflective space of supervision we invite a willingness to explore from Beginners’ Mind. Supervision can be formative, providing a place to develop skills and add tools but what is often the most sought after is a restorative space when a coach can bring all of themselves and be with the bigger questions . Mindfulness together with presence brings us to this threshold where co-presenting and co-creating can bring an unfolding of wisdom and insight.

The supervision conversation is no longer merely task focused. The supervisee can become aware of experiences in themselves that contain valuable information about our clients and us. Such experiences are generally just outside our conscious awareness. Quietness and space opens our awareness to them, something comes to us from a deeper place within where the coach is alive to all parts of themselves as they tune into the entire range of body/mind information.

In this session we will explore:

· The role of mindfulness and presence in coaching supervision

· Building your internal supervisor

· Letting go to let come- Otto Scharmer’s ‘Theory U’

· Bringing the body into readiness


Karyn Prentice Assistant Director Coaching Supervision Academy

Karyn has been an Accredited Coach Supervisor (EMCC) with CSA since 2008. She is in the frontline teaching team at CSA in the UK, France and the US and works bilingually. She is one of the authors of ‘Full Spectrum Supervision’ published September 2013. (www.coachingsupervsionacademy.com) As well as a Coach (EMCC Practitioner) and Coach Supervisor she regularly presents at international conferences. Karyn is also a UKCP transpersonal psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher and has a contemplative practice. Karyn lives in the UK and Normandy. (www.fletcherprentice.com)

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